Click to view my demo reel Film Work by Joseph R Vance Fine Art by Joseph R Vance Technical Art by Joseph R Vance About Joseph R Vance  Affiliations and Colleagues of Joseph R Vance Click to review my résumé

     Permutations of abstract symbols are often linked to creation, whether divine or artistic. Mathematical concepts and theorems need not correspond to anything in the physical world. Insofar as a correspondence does exist, while mathematicians and physicists may select axioms and postulates that seem reasonable and intuitive, it is not necessary for the basic assumptions within an axiomatic system to be true in an empirical or physical sense. Thus, while many systems of axioms are derived from our perceptions and experiments, they are not dependent on them. Procedural Animation Artists take this standpoint. Symbolism of reality or surreal representations of ideals can all be expressed with art and based in math. Existence and non-existence are inconsequential.


     Despite the intellectual pursuits of higher math and complex procedural systems, procedural art celebrates and gives a look into life and its mysticism broken down to its most basic equations and builds into complex theorems. The geometry of existence develops the angles of each of our perceptions. Process transcends all forms and limitations, even the most sublime. The dynamic forms of living artwork developed by process elevate a divine inspiration from both the product of the process and the procedures themselves. Creation of and engagement with procedural art is what keeps me inspired as an artist. The development of animated imagery through concept and equation sparks an energy of life into my work. Everything that physically exists; the entirety of space and time, all forms of matter, energy and momentum, and the physical laws and constants that govern them; it is all part of the great art of process. In this great process of life, I am an artist of the moment.

Procedurally Animated Mask

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